Friday, March 22, 2013

Week of March 25-28:

Words of the Week:

More Holes Vocabulary:  holes vocabulary


We are working on completing our Narrative writing assignments in class.
Last week we wrote our rough drafts and this week we will be revising and editing our writing:

 Read what you have written again.
Think about what others said about it.
Rearrange words or sentences.
Take out or add parts.
 Replace overused or unclear words.
Read your writing aloud to be sure it flows smoothly


We have just completed our unit on multiplication and division and we will be moving on to 2-D Geometry.

Assembly Song:

In our Planners:

- Monday: last day for scolastic book orders
- Tuesday is Grade 8 Bake Sale (bring money if you want to buy snacks)
-Friday (Good Friday) No School

Happy Easter!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March Break Website Practice:


-Reading Comprehension Practice:


- Building Sentences with proper punctuation and adding details: Penguin Skate
- Fun Practice Building Paragraphs: wacky web tales


- Practice with your Math Multiplication Facts:  multiplication facts

-Math Frog: Grade Four long division: Long Division Gr.4

-Math Frog: Grade Five long division: Long Division Gr.5

Social Studies:

- Read about levels of government: federal, provincial, federal levels of government

Monday, March 4, 2013

Words of the Week:

Math (Multiplication and Division):
Science: (Changes in Matter)

Socail Studies: (Government of Canada)

  • No Math Problem of the Week this week. (Practice questions will be sent home over the March Break, and we will be having a test on Tuesday March 18th when we return from break. 
  • WEDNESDAY we are going on a field trip to Tube Valley. The students were asked to bring in their helmets on Tuesday to make sure they have the proper helmet with CSA approved stickers. 
  • After this week, we will be on March Break. Classes will resume on Monday, March 17th (St. Pattricks Day.) Have a safe and relaxing break!!!!!!!