Monday, January 28, 2013

Words of the Week:

We will be working with the same words as last week. The students didn't have time to do the quiz and need a little more practice with the words seeing as they are quite big. We will also be doing a whole class activity with last weeks words. Today, since buses were cancelled we will be have the quiz Tuesday.

Writing Focus:

The students will be creating a poem for Mr. Noble this week to present in the gymnasium on Wednesday. Mr. Noble has taken a job at another school. This week will be his last. At home, the students are encouraged to make individual cards for Mr. Noble to thank him for everything he has done for us.


We will finish reading Chapters 1-7 from Holes and working on reading responses based on the book.


We are continuing to learn more about perimeter. We are focusing on finding perimeter from reading word problems. We will have a quick quiz on Wednesday about elapsed time and perimeter.


We will be completing our Science unit on gears and pulleys. The students will have to build a gear train and label the direction of force.

Social Studies:

The students are presenting their posters this week (If I were a king, queen, lord, lady, knight, serf)

Planner Notes:
-Students need to make sure that they are wearing the proper shoes outside. The playground is very wet and they will have soaked feet all day long if they do not wear the proper shoes. Also, when we come in from recess we need to make sure that we are changing our shoes. We don't want our classroom floor to get soaked, so we don't have any dangerous falls.
-The students are expected to be using their planners on a weekly basis.
-They should be writing their words of the week in their planners from now on.
-Also, a lot of people have been forgetting to hand in their Math problems of the week, and will need to use their planners to remind themselves to hand them in every FRIDAY.

Have a great week!

Ms. McNamara
 Why can't the weather make it's mind up?  :)

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