Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Words of the Week:

Holes Vocabulary (Ch 18-28)


The students are almost ready to type up their final drafts of their narrative writing pieces. They were asked to type up their final drafts at home. If they do not have access to a printer or computer, they were given the opportunity to type thier good copies at school during homework club!

Narrative Checklist:

- Setting and Characters
-Conflict (Problem)
-Attempts to solve the problem

Important Features in our Narrative Writing: (Ask yourself:)
adding dialogue  (Do my characters speak in my story?)
- SHOW not tell   (Did I add enough description and details to help the reader visualize my story?)
- punctuation   (Do my sentences have the proper punctuation?)
- new connecting words (Did I make sure to use different connecting words so the same words don't repeat too many times througout my story?)
- title: (Does my story have a catchy title?)
I didn't use Once Upon a Time (Did I come up with an original introduction?)

Math: (Chapter 7- 2-D Geometry)

Website for classifying quadrilaterals: classifying quadrilaterals
Website for classifying triangles: classifying triangles
Social Studies:
Rights and responsibilities as a citizen of Canada: rights and responsibilities

In our Planners:

- By Friday: Good Copy of Narrative Writing Due
-By Friday: Math Tests Signed and Returned
-Friday: Math Problem of the week
-Friday is also Wacky Tacky Pizza Day!!!!

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