Monday, May 27, 2013

Words of the Week:
-Science Words:
science words

Continuing to write explanations. Working on our revising and editing to complete our good copies.
Hey Grade 4's and 5's, take a look at the revision checklist at the website below to help you understand how you can improve your writing and MAKE CHANGES!!!!!
Revision Checklis

Reading Fair:

Now that we have been given our full assignment for the reading fair, LET's get started. (See checklist and rubric for details) Be creative and do your personal best. Let your personality show in your work. There will be a winner and a prize!!!!!!!

Chapter 13 Probability
Continuing to work on probability questions. Practice similar questions we have been working on at the following websites:

probability circus game - spinners
variety of probability activities in one game

Conservation of Energy:

Play the energy hogs game at home and complete the at home energy audit with your parents.

energy hogs game
energy hogs at home

Important Events This Week:

-French Tests Signed and returned.
-We will be having a probability quiz on Thursday this week.
- The students were to have picked a book for the reading fair by Monday, May 27. They will be sent home with a rubric for their assignment and a trifold on Tuesday. They are expected to be finished their reading fair projects NO LATER THAN June 7th. If they are finished earlier than June 7th they are more than welcome to bring in their projects early.

****** Please bring in a USB to school if you would like a copy of your campaign commercials. If you have already sent yours in and it does not work at home, please tell me!!!!! 

Thanks and Have a Great Week!
Ms. McNamara

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