Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week of Nov 26- Dec 1:
This week in Math we are beginning our Data Management unit (Chapter 3).
Throughout the unit, we will be:
-collecting and organizing data
-organizing data into pictographs, bar graphs, circle graphs,  and broken-line graphs.
-read and interpret tables, charts and graphs.
-calculate the mean and identify the mode of a set of data.

We are beginning to focus on making sure our reading logs are up to date, and that we are completing all of our daily 5 activities. This week we are also making sure that we are collecting new words during our independent read to self. We will brainstorm a persuasive checklist this week, as well as come up with a list of things we can write about for a persuasive argument.

Word Study Words: (Word Study Quiz on Friday. The students should have wrote the words down in their planners) This week, we have picked words from our class word collector. During a whole class read aloud, the students pick out words that are unfamiliar to them and we add them to our class word collector. The students have their own individual word collectors. The words to study this week, which will be quizzed on Friday are:


The students are presenting thier Science dioramas, which turned out beautiful. We are going to try and complete our presentations this week.

What should be in our planners!!!
-The school is still collecting brand new  books to donate to the organization for literacy.
-Thursday is MOVIE NIGHT at the school. It starts at 6:15.
- Friday is backwards day!!!!
- Hot Lunch Orders are DUE Monday December 3rd.
-Wear warm clothes to school. Winter is here!!!!!!

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