Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week of Dec 3- 7:


In reading we are making sure to start writing longer reading responses and make sure we are filling out our reading logs.
In writing, we are going to begin organizing a persuasive writing piece in a graphic organizer. The students will pick what they would like to write about this week.

Words of the Week:
  • adaptation
  • communities
  • ecosystem
  • producers
  • decomposers
  • organisms
  • populations
  • omnivore
  • herbivore
  • carnivores


So far, we have created a classroom survey about what graphs we remember learning about and organized our information into a bar graph. The students then created pop-up graphs for their Math books.

We are reading data in t-charts and organizing them into pictographs. We are learning how to choose an appropriate scale to create our  bar graphs and pictographs. 

We have completed our Sciene unit on Habitats. The students did a wonderful job on thier dioramas and presentations. We will be moving on to learn about pulleys and gears. We will first focus on Pulleys!!!!!

Socail Studies:
This week in Social Studies, we are learning about the inside of the castle (or keep). We are also beginning to talk about the influence of the Church in Medieval Times. We have discussed and will continue to discuss that their was only a few out of many religions practiced during the medieval era. We will try to understand the reasons why?

What should be in our planners:
- Tuesday Dec 4th is the Yearbook Committee Bake Sale. We will be going at 12:00
-Bring in your Boston Pizza Reading Records so you can claim your free kids meal.
-We are still collecting brand new books to donate to the organizations for literacy.
- Math problem of the week due Friday!

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