Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 10- December 14:

The students are continuing to choose a writing task that suits thier interest. They will be conducting research sometime this week on thier writing topic. They will be given class time as well as expected to research some facts at home on thier persuasive writing topic.

Words of the Week:
  • scale
  • interval
  • mode
  • mean
  • data
  • axis
  • range
  • interpret
  • conduct
  • organize

In Math this week we will learn to collect data and organize it into interval bar graphs.
Below is an example of a interval bar graph.

We are learning how a fixed pulley system to lift a load.

In Our Planners This Week:
  • We are still collecting brand new books for the organization for literacy.
  • Friday is Pizza Day and Red and Green Day
  • Friday is also the Winter Carnival. The grade 7/8 students are holding a winter carnival to raise money for their graduation. It will consist of games and items to purchase. The students will be going on Friday from 10:00-10:40. They will need to bring money if they wish to purchase any items. The items range in price from $0.25 - $5:00.  

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