Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 17-21:


We need to complete (at least) our rough draft of our persuasive writing pieces this week.


Don't forget to hand in your Double Bar Graph and Survey that you conducted with your classmates.
The outline is as follows:

Page 1 (on lined paper)
Collecting and Organizing Data:

Page 2: (on graph paper)
- a graph that includes (title, legend, labels, numbers, and two different colours)
-please use the lines and a ruler when making your bar graph. That is the reason why graph paper was created, wasn't it?


If time allows, we will create a broken line graph with our information we gathered in our chart during our pulleys experiements.

Social Studies:

We are watching a DVD which summarizes everything we have learned about Medieval Times up to this point.

In our planners:

- We need to bring in our pennies for the penny drive.
-I have asked the students to donate any shampoos, soap, loation, new socks, or anything else they have lying around the house to give to the womans interval home this year. It is a charity that I like to donate to myself, and am willing to drop off all the collected items if they are brought in.
- If you have not brought your Science diorama home, please arrange for it to be picked up this week.

On Friday:

-we will be having a fun filled day. We will be following a procedure to create gingerbread houses. We were asked to bring in candies to help decorate the houses.
-Also, in our last block, we are having a Holiday get-together and we will play board games and eat snacks. The students were asked to bring in board games they want to play in the last block. If the students bring in snacks we are asked to label which snacks contain milk products.

That is all the news for this week! Have a safe and happy holidays!!!!!!

We will see you in the NEW YEAR (2013) Can you believe it?


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 10- December 14:

The students are continuing to choose a writing task that suits thier interest. They will be conducting research sometime this week on thier writing topic. They will be given class time as well as expected to research some facts at home on thier persuasive writing topic.

Words of the Week:
  • scale
  • interval
  • mode
  • mean
  • data
  • axis
  • range
  • interpret
  • conduct
  • organize

In Math this week we will learn to collect data and organize it into interval bar graphs.
Below is an example of a interval bar graph.

We are learning how a fixed pulley system to lift a load.

In Our Planners This Week:
  • We are still collecting brand new books for the organization for literacy.
  • Friday is Pizza Day and Red and Green Day
  • Friday is also the Winter Carnival. The grade 7/8 students are holding a winter carnival to raise money for their graduation. It will consist of games and items to purchase. The students will be going on Friday from 10:00-10:40. They will need to bring money if they wish to purchase any items. The items range in price from $0.25 - $5:00.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week of Dec 3- 7:


In reading we are making sure to start writing longer reading responses and make sure we are filling out our reading logs.
In writing, we are going to begin organizing a persuasive writing piece in a graphic organizer. The students will pick what they would like to write about this week.

Words of the Week:
  • adaptation
  • communities
  • ecosystem
  • producers
  • decomposers
  • organisms
  • populations
  • omnivore
  • herbivore
  • carnivores


So far, we have created a classroom survey about what graphs we remember learning about and organized our information into a bar graph. The students then created pop-up graphs for their Math books.

We are reading data in t-charts and organizing them into pictographs. We are learning how to choose an appropriate scale to create our  bar graphs and pictographs. 

We have completed our Sciene unit on Habitats. The students did a wonderful job on thier dioramas and presentations. We will be moving on to learn about pulleys and gears. We will first focus on Pulleys!!!!!

Socail Studies:
This week in Social Studies, we are learning about the inside of the castle (or keep). We are also beginning to talk about the influence of the Church in Medieval Times. We have discussed and will continue to discuss that their was only a few out of many religions practiced during the medieval era. We will try to understand the reasons why?

What should be in our planners:
- Tuesday Dec 4th is the Yearbook Committee Bake Sale. We will be going at 12:00
-Bring in your Boston Pizza Reading Records so you can claim your free kids meal.
-We are still collecting brand new books to donate to the organizations for literacy.
- Math problem of the week due Friday!