Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy October!!

Week of October 1st:


Today we kicked off our Recount writing.  Over the month of October the students will be learning different strategies for writing recounts.  


This week we are finishing off our first unit on patterning.  Students, don't forget to complete your Math problem of the week by each Friday!  Thanks!

Field Trip

As most of you know, our class is taking a trip to the Lambton Heritage Museum this Thursday, October 4.  Our class will join Mrs. Zottl's Grade 4/5 class on a Medieval Adventure.  During our travel back in time, we will also visit the Pioneer Village.  The students will be able to compare life in Medieval society with life in the Pioneer society.  

Note:  We are planning on the bus leaving the school at 8:45 a.m. 

Attached below is an interactive website that students can explore to gain a better understanding about life in the Medieval era.

Enjoy the trip!!!!!!

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