Monday, October 15, 2012

PD Day:

This week is another four day week due to the PD Day this Friday, October 19th.

On Friday, October 19 (PD DAY) the Lawrence House Centre for Arts is offering the following program for children:

     2012 – 13 PD Days
       Join us for our funtastic PD Days
       Ages:   6-12.
       Cost:   $50/day
       Location:   Lawrence House Centre for the Arts
       Time:   9:00 am – 4:00 pm   
  • Fri. Oct. 19 – Ghastly, Ghostly Art (Get ready for Halloween with a day of spooky art.)
  • More information can be found on their website CLICK ON ME to go to the Website.

In Social Studies, we looked at a timeline to discover and understand when the Medieval Times took place in history!  We also began to look at a map of the world to understand where each continent and major ocean is located.  Below is an interactive game to help students review the continents and major oceans.
CLICK ON ME to got to Continents Games

We will later take a closer look at the map and locate areas influenced by the Medieval Era.

In Math, we completed our Patterning Unit!  We have already begun our numeration unit, but as of tomorrow we will begin to dig deeper into numeration.  Some of us have been forgetting to hand in our Math problem of the week.  A reminder that the problem will be due on Thursday this week, again due to the PD Day.

In Language, we have been practicing strategies to use when reading to someone else.  We are trying to increase our fluency by reading to someone.
Today we practiced Read to Someone: Check for Understanding.  One student will read and the other will listen.  When the reader stops reading, the listener will tell the reader what they heard them read.  When the first reader is finished reading their paragraph or page, the reader and listener switch roles.
Why not try this reading strategy out at home with a family member!!!!!!

October 16th is World Food Day: (Last Day to Bring in Food Items!!!! All food is being collected Wednesday Morning and the school will be getting their picture taken with the food we have collected all together.) Our classroom has collected 216 food items as of today!!!!

Food! What a great reason to celebrate on October 16th. Find ideas for crafts, games, and other activities.
Fun Activity Below:

That is all for today!!!!!
Have a fantastic week!!!!!

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