Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29- November 2:

Can you believe it is already going to be November?????

Today was a cold and rainy day!!!! The students were sent home with influenza permission sheets. (Need to be Returned to School by October 31st)
They were also sent home with parent teacher interview sign-up time sheets. (Need to be returned by November 5th)

The students will be helping their kindergarten reading buddies carve pumpkins Tuesday!!! They were asked to bring to school safe pumpkin carving knives. Hopefully we will have enough!

Wednesday is black and orange Day.  Wear lots of black and orange to help your house colours earn some points! Also, today is a food cheat day for the school.  The students may bring in treats to share with thier fellow classmates and we will be given time to hand them out and eat treats with each other.

We are working on completing our recounts by today or Friday at the latest! If you have time type them at home, if not they can be writen out in good hand writing. Also, because today is the first of November, the students will be attending a courage assembly.  This months character trait is COURAGE.
How is this cat couragous?

Students Patterning Math tests should be signed and returned by Friday. Also, don't forget to hand in your Math problem of the week.
Have a great week!

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