Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 17-21:


We need to complete (at least) our rough draft of our persuasive writing pieces this week.


Don't forget to hand in your Double Bar Graph and Survey that you conducted with your classmates.
The outline is as follows:

Page 1 (on lined paper)
Collecting and Organizing Data:

Page 2: (on graph paper)
- a graph that includes (title, legend, labels, numbers, and two different colours)
-please use the lines and a ruler when making your bar graph. That is the reason why graph paper was created, wasn't it?


If time allows, we will create a broken line graph with our information we gathered in our chart during our pulleys experiements.

Social Studies:

We are watching a DVD which summarizes everything we have learned about Medieval Times up to this point.

In our planners:

- We need to bring in our pennies for the penny drive.
-I have asked the students to donate any shampoos, soap, loation, new socks, or anything else they have lying around the house to give to the womans interval home this year. It is a charity that I like to donate to myself, and am willing to drop off all the collected items if they are brought in.
- If you have not brought your Science diorama home, please arrange for it to be picked up this week.

On Friday:

-we will be having a fun filled day. We will be following a procedure to create gingerbread houses. We were asked to bring in candies to help decorate the houses.
-Also, in our last block, we are having a Holiday get-together and we will play board games and eat snacks. The students were asked to bring in board games they want to play in the last block. If the students bring in snacks we are asked to label which snacks contain milk products.

That is all the news for this week! Have a safe and happy holidays!!!!!!

We will see you in the NEW YEAR (2013) Can you believe it?


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 10- December 14:

The students are continuing to choose a writing task that suits thier interest. They will be conducting research sometime this week on thier writing topic. They will be given class time as well as expected to research some facts at home on thier persuasive writing topic.

Words of the Week:
  • scale
  • interval
  • mode
  • mean
  • data
  • axis
  • range
  • interpret
  • conduct
  • organize

In Math this week we will learn to collect data and organize it into interval bar graphs.
Below is an example of a interval bar graph.

We are learning how a fixed pulley system to lift a load.

In Our Planners This Week:
  • We are still collecting brand new books for the organization for literacy.
  • Friday is Pizza Day and Red and Green Day
  • Friday is also the Winter Carnival. The grade 7/8 students are holding a winter carnival to raise money for their graduation. It will consist of games and items to purchase. The students will be going on Friday from 10:00-10:40. They will need to bring money if they wish to purchase any items. The items range in price from $0.25 - $5:00.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week of Dec 3- 7:


In reading we are making sure to start writing longer reading responses and make sure we are filling out our reading logs.
In writing, we are going to begin organizing a persuasive writing piece in a graphic organizer. The students will pick what they would like to write about this week.

Words of the Week:
  • adaptation
  • communities
  • ecosystem
  • producers
  • decomposers
  • organisms
  • populations
  • omnivore
  • herbivore
  • carnivores


So far, we have created a classroom survey about what graphs we remember learning about and organized our information into a bar graph. The students then created pop-up graphs for their Math books.

We are reading data in t-charts and organizing them into pictographs. We are learning how to choose an appropriate scale to create our  bar graphs and pictographs. 

We have completed our Sciene unit on Habitats. The students did a wonderful job on thier dioramas and presentations. We will be moving on to learn about pulleys and gears. We will first focus on Pulleys!!!!!

Socail Studies:
This week in Social Studies, we are learning about the inside of the castle (or keep). We are also beginning to talk about the influence of the Church in Medieval Times. We have discussed and will continue to discuss that their was only a few out of many religions practiced during the medieval era. We will try to understand the reasons why?

What should be in our planners:
- Tuesday Dec 4th is the Yearbook Committee Bake Sale. We will be going at 12:00
-Bring in your Boston Pizza Reading Records so you can claim your free kids meal.
-We are still collecting brand new books to donate to the organizations for literacy.
- Math problem of the week due Friday!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week of Nov 26- Dec 1:
This week in Math we are beginning our Data Management unit (Chapter 3).
Throughout the unit, we will be:
-collecting and organizing data
-organizing data into pictographs, bar graphs, circle graphs,  and broken-line graphs.
-read and interpret tables, charts and graphs.
-calculate the mean and identify the mode of a set of data.

We are beginning to focus on making sure our reading logs are up to date, and that we are completing all of our daily 5 activities. This week we are also making sure that we are collecting new words during our independent read to self. We will brainstorm a persuasive checklist this week, as well as come up with a list of things we can write about for a persuasive argument.

Word Study Words: (Word Study Quiz on Friday. The students should have wrote the words down in their planners) This week, we have picked words from our class word collector. During a whole class read aloud, the students pick out words that are unfamiliar to them and we add them to our class word collector. The students have their own individual word collectors. The words to study this week, which will be quizzed on Friday are:


The students are presenting thier Science dioramas, which turned out beautiful. We are going to try and complete our presentations this week.

What should be in our planners!!!
-The school is still collecting brand new  books to donate to the organization for literacy.
-Thursday is MOVIE NIGHT at the school. It starts at 6:15.
- Friday is backwards day!!!!
- Hot Lunch Orders are DUE Monday December 3rd.
-Wear warm clothes to school. Winter is here!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Anti-Bullying Week:

This week we are learning about bullying, targets, and bystanders.

Important Information:

1. Science Projects are Due on Thursday (We will begin presentations on Monday)
2. We are collecting brand new books to donate to the organization for literacy. (House colour with most books collected wins!!!!!)
3. Parent teacher interviews are Wednesday and Thursday (Check your planners for your time. If you have misplaced it, ask Ms. Mac again!!!!)
4. Students were sent home with order forms for school attire!!!
5. Math (Numeration and Number Sense) Assessmnt on Monday


Anti-Bullying Website

  • This website has interactive books, videos, posters and much more. Click on the link and check it out!!!!

  • This website has many interactive spots where you may practice your numeration skills. It helps you better understand how to; determine place value, write numbers in extended form, write numbers in word form, write numbers in standard form, understand place value of tenths and hundredths, round various numbers and order various numbers.

Math Website (Decimals)

  • This website will give you practice with decimals (tenths and hundredths). Mainly for grade 5 students, but I encourage the grade 4's to give it a go!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Tomorrow is the bookfair. We are going to the bookfair in the last block at 2:30-3:00. Students, bring money tomorrow if you would like to buy some books. Do not take it out of your bags in the morning. Find a good spot in your bags to keep your money until we go to the bookfair.

-Progress reports will be sent home. Parent/Teacher interviews will be next week. The students were sent home with the time of the interview last Thursday. If they have misplaced the interview time, please send a note!!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 5- November 9:

This week the students will be hard at work:

1. Finishing our recount writing,

2. Practicing our daily 5 choice,

3. Also, researching our Science projects.

Reminders and Events this Week:

-Please bring donations for poppies. Fiday we will be celebrating Remembrance Day. Feel free to join. Our class had made some wonderful art portraying Flanders Field, which will be displayed in the gymnasium during the assembly.
- Parent/Teacher interview slips will be sent home with students on Thursday!
-On Sunday (Remembrance Day), don't forget to take a moment of silence at 11:11 a.m.

Student Websites:

Remembrance Day Site with poems and other information regaring Remembrance Day:

Website which students have done in class to learn about food chains:

Have a great week!!!!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Quick Reminder Before Monday Morning:

Parent/Teacher interview forms are due to the office on Monday morning. I hope to receive all parent/teacher interview forms, as I look forward to meeting everyones family members again!!

A new post will be up tomorrow evening!!!!

Have a fantastic Sunday!!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29- November 2:

Can you believe it is already going to be November?????

Today was a cold and rainy day!!!! The students were sent home with influenza permission sheets. (Need to be Returned to School by October 31st)
They were also sent home with parent teacher interview sign-up time sheets. (Need to be returned by November 5th)

The students will be helping their kindergarten reading buddies carve pumpkins Tuesday!!! They were asked to bring to school safe pumpkin carving knives. Hopefully we will have enough!

Wednesday is black and orange Day.  Wear lots of black and orange to help your house colours earn some points! Also, today is a food cheat day for the school.  The students may bring in treats to share with thier fellow classmates and we will be given time to hand them out and eat treats with each other.

We are working on completing our recounts by today or Friday at the latest! If you have time type them at home, if not they can be writen out in good hand writing. Also, because today is the first of November, the students will be attending a courage assembly.  This months character trait is COURAGE.
How is this cat couragous?

Students Patterning Math tests should be signed and returned by Friday. Also, don't forget to hand in your Math problem of the week.
Have a great week!

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22-26:

Hello Everyone, 

I hope you all enjoyed another long weekend!!!!
Agenda for this upcoming week!

Today was the last day to bring in Picture Orders.
(If you still want to send picture orders in, please do so by Tuesday, and latest Wednesday)

Tomorrow is our last day of dance lessons.  The students are learning a dance that involves dancing in symmetry, creating geometric shapes in groups and translating their shapes through dance moves.  They are dancing to Steve Miller Band, "Dance, Dance, Dance." Ask them to show you!!!!! They look great so far!!!

The students will be attending a presentation in the gymnasium to watch Shannon Thunderbird present.  The following is a short summary of the presentation:

Many of today's youth are concerned with issues that include, bullying, cyber-bullying, self-esteem, personal courage and body image. Based on time-honoured Medicine Wheel teachings, Sweet Thunder is presented in a thoughtful and entertaining way that allows students to feel safe and confident. This multi-disciplinary performance combines BIG Powwow Drums, Vocals, Oral Narratives and a little Improvisational Theatre; it engages students in considering positive choices to counter racism with teamwork; jealousy with self-respect, gender bias with acceptance; greed with fulfillment, hate with love.

On Thursday the students will be participating in a bus safety presentation, as well as a bus safety drill. 
The following site will allow students to preview rules of bus safety. 

Bus Safety Link

PICTURE RETAKE DAY: If you are interested, please come prepared Friday for picture retake day!!!!!


Monday, October 15, 2012

PD Day:

This week is another four day week due to the PD Day this Friday, October 19th.

On Friday, October 19 (PD DAY) the Lawrence House Centre for Arts is offering the following program for children:

     2012 – 13 PD Days
       Join us for our funtastic PD Days
       Ages:   6-12.
       Cost:   $50/day
       Location:   Lawrence House Centre for the Arts
       Time:   9:00 am – 4:00 pm   
  • Fri. Oct. 19 – Ghastly, Ghostly Art (Get ready for Halloween with a day of spooky art.)
  • More information can be found on their website CLICK ON ME to go to the Website.

In Social Studies, we looked at a timeline to discover and understand when the Medieval Times took place in history!  We also began to look at a map of the world to understand where each continent and major ocean is located.  Below is an interactive game to help students review the continents and major oceans.
CLICK ON ME to got to Continents Games

We will later take a closer look at the map and locate areas influenced by the Medieval Era.

In Math, we completed our Patterning Unit!  We have already begun our numeration unit, but as of tomorrow we will begin to dig deeper into numeration.  Some of us have been forgetting to hand in our Math problem of the week.  A reminder that the problem will be due on Thursday this week, again due to the PD Day.

In Language, we have been practicing strategies to use when reading to someone else.  We are trying to increase our fluency by reading to someone.
Today we practiced Read to Someone: Check for Understanding.  One student will read and the other will listen.  When the reader stops reading, the listener will tell the reader what they heard them read.  When the first reader is finished reading their paragraph or page, the reader and listener switch roles.
Why not try this reading strategy out at home with a family member!!!!!!

October 16th is World Food Day: (Last Day to Bring in Food Items!!!! All food is being collected Wednesday Morning and the school will be getting their picture taken with the food we have collected all together.) Our classroom has collected 216 food items as of today!!!!

Food! What a great reason to celebrate on October 16th. Find ideas for crafts, games, and other activities.
Fun Activity Below:

That is all for today!!!!!
Have a fantastic week!!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Good Afternoon,

Many Reminders:
  • Our class has now accumulated 195 items for the FCC Drive Away Hunger.  Way to go!  Again, we can continue to bring in those items until October 16th.

  • The students were handed out their picture proofs today.  The proof or portrait payment is due back to the school by:     OCTOBER 18th

  • I encourage students to use thier planners more often in order to help with organization.
    • We need to make sure we are handing in our Math problem of the week every Friday.
    • We need to make sure that we bring headphones for the computer lab.
    • We need to make sure to bring back our Art if we brought it home and didn't return it.
    • We need to make sure that our planner comes to school every day and goes home every night.

Have a wonderful evening!  See you tomorrow!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 6, 2012:

Many Thanks:

I wanted to thank all of our volunteers for helping out on the successful field trip.  The students had a blast and we couldn't have done it without you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Another big thanks for all of the contribution towards our FCC Drive Away Hunger program.  Our class is determined to collect the most goods we can, and we are doing a great job so far.  We have a tally chart outside the classroom counting our collected goods. October 16th is the last day that we can bring in any goods.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you to all of the Grade 4/5 students for doing the best you can every day!!!!!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy October!!

Week of October 1st:


Today we kicked off our Recount writing.  Over the month of October the students will be learning different strategies for writing recounts.  


This week we are finishing off our first unit on patterning.  Students, don't forget to complete your Math problem of the week by each Friday!  Thanks!

Field Trip

As most of you know, our class is taking a trip to the Lambton Heritage Museum this Thursday, October 4.  Our class will join Mrs. Zottl's Grade 4/5 class on a Medieval Adventure.  During our travel back in time, we will also visit the Pioneer Village.  The students will be able to compare life in Medieval society with life in the Pioneer society.  

Note:  We are planning on the bus leaving the school at 8:45 a.m. 

Attached below is an interactive website that students can explore to gain a better understanding about life in the Medieval era.

Enjoy the trip!!!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Welcome to our Community Club

Hello Grade 4/5 Students and Family Members:

We now can communicate through our classroom blog!  I will be posting upcoming events, news about what we are learning in the classroom and additional sites to use at home that will aid us in our studies.  Welcome to the classroom and enjoy our successes with us!  

Our year has started off quite successful!  

In Writing, we have created wonderful autobiographies about ourselves inspired by the novel "Who is Melvin Bubble?"  I want to thank each and every one of you for my entertaining and heartfelt reading material this weekend!  They turned out GREAT and I learned so much about all of you!  


In Reading we are really trying to work on finding a "Good-Fit Book" for ourselves!  If students and parents would like to practice this at home, you can refer to the IPICK chart below:

In Math we are practicing our numeracy skills by extending our patterning skills.  Speaking of extending, students have been working on extending patterns and demonstrating their understanding through diagrams and tables.  

For extra review of Mathematics skills visit:


Grade 4 Nelson Review:

Grade 5 Nelson Review:

I encourage each student to try out both the grade 4 and 5 sites, despite what grade you are in, as this will only increase your numeracy skills.
Thanks for Reading and we will chat soon!!!!


“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!

 Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!